We at Harborside need a solution now

The troubled Harborside retirement community in Port Washington. Credit: Newsday/Howard Schnapp
Once again, Gov. Kathy Hochul has promised that the residents of The Harborside, of which I am one, will not be made homeless by the collapse of the sale to Life Care Services Communities [“Hochul reiterates Harborside vow,” LI business, Jan. 11]. The purchase agreement by Focus Healthcare Partners, which is examining Harborside’s finances and operations, promises much less. Details are lacking. The governor promises “a place” but doesn’t mention where or qualify it.
Hochul and her Department of Health seem fixed on vague irregularities in the agreement with LCS, the third-largest continuing care retirement community company in the United States, which operates successfully in many other states. Harborside has lost $24 million in market value, possibly more. Our deposits are gone, and our former contracts will not be honored by Focus. The skilled nursing, enriched housing, and memory care units are to be disbanded.
This situation, to me, is not caused by the three Harborside bankruptcies as much as by the actions of the state Department of Health. It is critical that this be understood by the public.
There is no money or time to play around with solutions. We need an answer that is fair to all the Harborside residents now.
— Diane Haney, Port Washington
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