Long Island statistics: Community
Monitor Long Island’s community indicators and latest coverage here on population and poverty. An indicator is a data point used to interpret and help judge the overall health of an economy. It’s a snapshot based on government-collected numbers analyzed to see how a region, in this case Long Island, compares with both itself and other places nearby and nationally over time.

There was a surge in Long Island's population during the pandemic, and is now appearing to plateau. The latest Long Island population is 2.9 million (estimated).
Latest on populationPopulation Change
Nassau leads Suffolk in the number of people leaving Long Island, despite having a smaller population.
Latest on population changePoverty
The number of households under ALICE threshold. Fewer households are living in poverty on Long Island since 2012.
Latest on povertyHouseholds receiving food stamps
In percentages. According to the latest available data, 5.1% of Nassau County households receive food stamps, and 7.5% of Suffolk County households receive food stamps.
Latest on food assistance