Highway speeding, Jan. 6 Capitol riot

Supporters of President Donald Trump climb the west wall of the the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021. Credit: AP/Jose Luis Magana
Stiffen penalties for parkway speeders
Suffolk Police Officer Brendon Gallagher was seriously injured trying to stop a driver going 95 to 100 mph on the Long Island Expressway in Brentwood on Sunday “Injured officer making progress,” News, Jan. 8].
People who follow the law have been asking politicians, police chiefs and police officers to stop high-speed racing on our roadways. Now, a police officer has been hospitalized trying to do this.
We need an all-out assault on these reckless drivers. Do our lawmakers have what it takes to stop this? One major way to stop it could be by passing laws that mean something, not just a slap on the wrist. Some suggestions:
Speeding over 80 mph, first offense, a $5,000 fine; over 80 mph, second offense, license suspended for one year and a $5,000 fine; over 80 mph, third offense, license suspended five years and car taken away for auction. These actions could be the only way to stop all this.
— Bob Damato, Floral Park
Thoughts on Jan. 6 and its aftermath
It amazes me how several Republicans in Congress who had denounced the saddest day in my memory, the Jan. 6 insurrection, are now trying to rewrite history “Bracing for Trump’s pardons,” Nation & World, Jan. 6]. It has been called a “day of love,” and those invading the Capitol are now said to be “peaceful tourists.” The horrific videos of that day disprove their words.
The “party of law and order” has disrespected the Capitol police, who saved them from that mob.
If President-elect Donald Trump pardons these felons, it will be such a miscarriage of justice. It’s a sad time for this country, and I hope forces of good and justice will save us going forward.
— Jo-Tina DiGennaro, Bayville
Thank you, Vice President Kamala Harris, for acting like a true patriot and showing the world how the transfer of power is done — peacefully, with class and professionalism [“Trump’s election win official,” Nation, Jan. 7].
— Camille Morselli, Islip Terrace
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